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Economic Impact of the Arts in Berkeley

Berkeley, CA

City of Berkeley

The buyer seeks a consultant to conduct an economic impact study of the arts sector in Berkeley. The study will assess the effects of pandemic relief investments and establish a new baseline of the arts' economic impact. The consultant will analyze data, create reports, and develop metrics to inform future policy decisions. The project aims to guide the buyer's investments and program design for artistic and cultural support.

  • 8/13/2024 - Questions Due
  • 9/17/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 11/26/2024 - Notice to Proceed
  • 5/29/2026 - Project Completion
Refer to RFP
  • Assess short-term and long-term impact of City's investment in arts sector relief programs
  • Conduct baseline study of current economic impact of arts in Berkeley
  • Analyze pandemic effects and recovery on Berkeley's arts sector
  • Provide data for update to 2017 Economic Impact of the Arts report
  • Develop standard arts and culture economic impact metrics for future use
  • Create comprehensive report on COVID-19 relief investment analysis and baseline economic impact study
  • Prepare presentation materials including graphics and data visualizations
  • Collaborate with City staff to refine research scope and methodology
  • Collect and analyze citywide arts and culture economic data
  • Generate final deliverables including summary deck and detailed reports

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