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2025-2030 Strategic Plan
Front Range Community College
The buyer seeks proposals from qualified consultants to develop its 2025-2030 Strategic Plan. The consultant will facilitate a process utilizing college data to evaluate mission advancement and establish clear direction. The project involves comprehensive input, collaboration, and alignment across the college community. The consultant will help establish Key Performance Indicators, ensure long-term sustainability, and align the strategy with the Colorado Community College System plan. The final deliverable will be a published 2025-2030 Strategic Plan with established objectives, goals, and implementation tracking plan.
- 8/16/2024 - RFP Release Date
- 8/26/2024 - Prospective Vendors Written Inquiry Deadline
- 9/3/2024 - College's Response to Written Inquiry
- 9/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 8/1/2025 - Launch Strategic Plan
- Gather and analyze college data on brand perception, enrollment, and workforce needs
- Conduct surveys, focus groups, and town halls for internal and external input
- Determine objectives, set goals, and establish Key Performance Indicators
- Ensure alignment with Colorado Community College System strategic plan
- Create and publish final 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
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