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Market Feasibility Study for Sporting/Event Facility

Kingman, Arizona

City of Kingman

The buyer seeks a qualified firm to conduct a market feasibility study for a multi-use sporting/event facility. The study aims to identify needs, diverse uses, and general layout of a hybrid facility capable of hosting sporting tournaments, events, and conferences. The buyer's goal is to boost tourism, enhance economic development efforts, generate additional overnight visitors, and serve the citizens of Kingman. The project includes analyzing market demand, economic feasibility, competitive analysis, and community engagement.

  • 9/4/2024 - Questions Due from Proposers
  • 9/6/2024 - Last Day for an Addenda
  • 9/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/26/2024 - Evaluate Proposals
  • 10/9/2024 - Conduct Interviews (if necessary)
  • 10/15/2024 - Notice of Intent to Award
  • Demonstrate skills and experience in multi-use facility development and operation
  • Experience in economic, market and financial analysis
  • Strong understanding of current trends in sport, conference and event industry
  • Previous work with local government on economic and tourism development
  • Analyze regional economic and demographic characteristics
  • Review competitive facilities within the region
  • Provide case studies of successful projects in similarly sized cities
  • Conduct demand analysis for event facility
  • Project economic impact on hotel room nights, tax revenue, and jobs
  • Determine type and size of facility that could be supported
  • Identify potential partners and define roles
  • Prepare operation plan identifying daily operations and staffing
  • Develop capital construction budget and operational pro forma
  • Prepare public meetings to gather community input

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