This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Workforce Strategy Implementation Consulting Services
Los Angeles, California
Economic & Workforce Development Department
The buyer seeks to pre-qualify consultants for workforce development technical consulting services. The focus is on implementing workforce strategies in industry sectors, infrastructure, and support for older workers. Consultants will support the implementation of strategic plans, facilitate sector partnerships, and develop training programs. The buyer aims to create an innovative, diverse, and inclusive workforce development system.
- 8/29/2024 - Proposers Conference
- 9/5/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 9/12/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 10/4/2024 - Application Results/Decision
- Not debarred by federal, state, or local government
- No outstanding debts or unresolved issues with funding sources
- Familiar with WIOA regulations and related laws
- Minimum 2 consecutive years experience in last 5 years
- Facilitate implementation of sector strategies for key industries
- Support LA Workforce Infrastructure Network (LAWIN) Plan implementation
- Implement Older Worker strategic plan through AdvantAGE LA initiative
- Develop comprehensive industry profiles and career pathways
- Convene and coordinate industry councils, employers, and education providers
- Develop training curricula to address skills gaps in demand positions
- Support grant writing efforts for workforce initiatives
- Provide regular updates to EWDD and oversight boards
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