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Resilient Community Program Grant Writing, Administration for Comprehensive Plan Update 2024

Kingsville, Texas

City of Kingsville

Buyer seeks a grant writing firm to facilitate the creation of the City's Comprehensive Plan update. The project aims to craft a plan incorporating new planning efforts, create a multi-year funding approach for capital needs, and develop user-friendly City Master Plan documents. The plan will address a 6-year planning horizon in detail and provide general guidance for 10 years.

  • 9/10/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Analyze existing City plans, projects, studies and agreements
  • Develop detailed citizen participation process
  • Create Future Land Use Map and development capacity analysis
  • Evaluate major thoroughfares and make improvement recommendations
  • Assess housing needs and recommend policies for improvement
  • Analyze economic development opportunities and create strategies
  • Evaluate public safety services and facilities
  • Create small area plan for Downtown / Main Street redevelopment
  • Assess infrastructure needs and make recommendations
  • Develop implementation strategies and ADA compliance plan

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