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Community Development Block Grant - Economic Development Request for Proposals
Missoula County
Buyer is seeking proposals from entities interested in partnering on a Community Development Block Grant Economic Development (CDBG-ED) application. The grant aims to stimulate economic development by providing loans to create jobs, retain jobs, or provide job training. Buyer will select one applicant to proceed with preparing a CDBG-ED application to the Montana Department of Commerce. Projects must benefit low- to moderate-income residents and align with the county's economic development priorities.
- 8/5/2024 - RFP issued
- 8/27/2024 - Deadline for submitting written questions
- 9/3/2024 - Written responses posted
- 9/6/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/20/2024 - Notification of accepted/rejected project
- Obtain a Unique Entity ID through
- Prepare grant application narrative
- Provide business plan and financial statements
- Verify project meets HUD CDBG low-to-moderate income requirements
- Create hiring and training plan
- Document project does not displace existing jobs
- Confirm project addresses economic development goals
- Gather letters of support
- Provide documentation of other funding sources
- Enter subrecipient agreement if funded
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