This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Multi-Departmental Queue and Registration System
Flint, Michigan
Genesee County
The buyer is seeking proposals for a comprehensive multi-departmental queue and registration system. The system aims to streamline registration processes and efficiently manage queues across various departments. The solution should include a centralized dashboard, integration capabilities, and support multiple languages. The buyer requires the system to handle scheduling appointments, provide real-time notifications, and generate reports and analytics.
- 8/14/2024 - Submission of Questions Due
- 9/5/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Design and implement centralized queue management system
- Develop user-friendly registration interface for multiple departments
- Customize system for unique departmental workflows
- Provide equipment, delivery and installation
- Conduct comprehensive training for staff
- Offer ongoing technical support and maintenance
- Integrate with existing departmental systems and databases
- Implement real-time notifications for staff and customers
- Develop reporting and analytics capabilities
- Ensure compliance with HIPAA, IRS 1075, and CJIS standards
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