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Feasibility Study for a Sports/Events Complex

Newport News, Virginia

City of Newport News

The buyer is seeking proposals to conduct a feasibility study for a potential sports/events complex in Newport News, Virginia. The study will analyze financial, operational, and market viability of the facility. It will assess economic impact and identify challenges or risks. The buyer desires a multi-use facility primarily for sports but also suitable for other events. The study will consider both indoor and outdoor facility types.

  • 8/8/2024 - Release Project Date
  • 8/19/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
  • 9/5/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct comprehensive market analysis for sports facilities demand
  • Evaluate feasibility for other events like concerts and meetings
  • Analyze demographic and market data
  • Provide detailed capital cost and annual operating cost estimates
  • Recommend facility size, design, and layout options
  • Assess potential economic impact on local community
  • Identify potential funding sources and partnerships
  • Conduct community engagement including two townhalls
  • Deliver comprehensive feasibility study report
  • Present findings to key City officials and stakeholders

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