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State Governmental Relations Services
Johnson County
The buyer seeks a contractor to provide state governmental relations services. The contractor will represent Johnson County to the Kansas Legislature, monitor relevant bills, provide legislative advice, and coordinate with state officials. Key responsibilities include developing the County's legislative platform, arranging testimony, and providing regular updates to County leadership. The contractor must have experience with public sector clients and comply with ethical standards for lobbying.
- 8/1/2024 - Issue RFP
- 8/14/2024 - Clarification Deadline
- 8/30/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/16/2024 - Interviews
- 10/10/2024 - Board Approval
- 12/1/2024 - Project Begins
- Successfully performed services in Scope of Services section
- Provided state lobbying services for at least three public sector clients in past five years
- Comply with American League of Lobbyists Code of Ethics or similar ethical standards
- Present potential legislative items to the Board of County Commissioners
- Assist with development of the County's legislative platform
- Provide ongoing legislative advice and guidance to the County
- Monitor bills of importance to Johnson County
- Meet with state officials to discuss County positions
- Arrange for testimony to be delivered by County staff
- Attend Johnson County legislative events
- Provide Legislative Wrap-up Report at end of Legislative Session
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