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Microtransit Feasibility Study
Lancaster, PA
South Central Transit Authority
The buyer is seeking proposals for a comprehensive Microtransit Feasibility Study for Lancaster County. The study will set a vision and plan for access, growth, and the future of transportation in the county. It aims to serve citizens underserved by existing Fixed Route or Red Rose Access services. The study will focus on addressing the needs of all community members, including those with disabilities.
- 8/7/2024 - Deadline for receipt of questions
- 8/9/2024 - Final Addendum Released
- 8/28/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/18/2024 - Award of Contract
Refer to RFP
- Convene a Stakeholder Committee for ongoing input and feedback
- Develop metrics to identify opportunity zones for Microtransit service
- Create a Public Participation Plan including public engagement workshops
- Explore various Microtransit Models suitable for Lancaster County
- Develop service analysis and cost estimation methodology
- Identify zone prioritization based on evaluation criteria
- Provide service level recommendations and cost estimates for priority zones
- Establish Performance Targets considering diversity, inclusion, and safety
- Prepare a comprehensive draft report and gather feedback
- Present final report to SCTA Board of Directors and other committees
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