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Advertising Content and Local Media Strategy for Public Awareness Campaign(s)
Poughkeepsie, New York
County of Dutchess
The buyer is seeking a vendor to create public education and advertising content for various awareness campaigns. The scope includes developing radio, digital, and social media content, as well as a local media strategy. The buyer requires on-call services for content development and ad placement across multiple platforms. The contract may be awarded to multiple vendors to meet the buyer's diverse public awareness goals.
- 8/14/2024 - Questions Due
- 8/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Experience in providing campaign media advertising content and associated platforms
- Radio and other media availability for the Dutchess County area
- Preferred experience with specific local media outlets in Dutchess County
- Preferred ability to offer targeted availability by municipality or zip code
- Preferred ability to offer demographic details about listening/viewing audience
- Create public education and advertising content for radio, digital, and social media
- Develop local media strategy for public awareness campaigns
- Purchase and place advertisements in local media outlets
- Produce creative advertising content for various public safety and health campaigns
- Provide targeted advertising by municipality or zip code
- Offer demographic details about listening/viewing audience
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