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GIG Economy Application to Connect Caregivers to Service Recipients
Dakota County, Minnesota
Dakota County Community Services
Buyer seeks to develop a mobile application to connect caregivers with home and community-based service recipients in Dakota County. The app will use a 'gig economy' approach to match requests for assistance with available caregivers. The project includes app development and HCBS administrative operations. Buyer aims to address the shortage of formal providers and staff for disability services in the county.
- 8/5/2024 - Informational Meeting
- 8/5/2024 - Questions Due
- 8/10/2024 - Responses to Questions Posted
- 8/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 1/1/2025 - Anticipated Contract Start
Refer to RFP
- Develop mobile app for Apple IOS and Android
- Create platform to match caregivers with service recipients
- Implement HCBS licensing and billing requirements
- Design user-friendly interfaces for caregivers and recipients
- Ensure data security and HIPAA compliance
- Develop caregiver onboarding and verification process
- Implement payment processing system
- Create filtering system for matching caregivers and recipients
- Integrate with state systems for service authorization
- Develop marketing and outreach strategy
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