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Branding and Marketing Services for Unincorporated North Fair Oaks Neighborhood

Redwood City, CA

County of San Mateo

Buyer seeks a qualified consultant for branding, marketing, and public relations services for the unincorporated North Fair Oaks Neighborhood. The goal is to position North Fair Oaks as a prime location to dine, shop, live, work, and do business. The consultant will develop and implement a marketing and branding campaign to enhance community identity and awareness. Services include creating a brand strategy, marketing materials, social media content, and overall communications plan.

  • 7/23/2024 - Release Date
  • 8/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop cohesive brand strategy for North Fair Oaks
  • Create marketing materials including brochures and social media templates
  • Design and implement effective marketing and PR plan
  • Produce video content to promote North Fair Oaks
  • Develop content calendar for ongoing communications
  • Create and manage social media campaigns
  • Design website to showcase North Fair Oaks offerings
  • Conduct community outreach to enhance sense of identity
  • Position North Fair Oaks as prime location to live, work, and do business
  • Increase awareness of North Fair Oaks' unique business and commercial offerings

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