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Economic Impact Study and As-Needed Workforce Analysis Services

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco International Airport

The buyer seeks proposals for economic impact study and workforce analysis services. The project includes conducting an economic impact study of the Airport and performing as-needed workforce analysis. The study will assess the Airport's contribution to local, regional, and state economies. Workforce analysis will focus on the Quality Standards Program and airport wages, evaluating their impact on employee turnover, performance, and public safety.

  • 8/6/2024 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
  • 8/22/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct economic impact study of the Airport on local, regional, and state economies
  • Perform as-needed workforce analysis services
  • Analyze Quality Standards Program (QSP) and airport wages
  • Assess impact of wage requirements on employee turnover and performance
  • Evaluate effects on safety and security of the flying public
  • Collect and analyze relevant economic and workforce data
  • Engage stakeholders for input and information gathering
  • Develop economic models to estimate total economic impact
  • Create data visualizations to present findings effectively
  • Produce comprehensive reports documenting study results and analysis

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