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Economic and Strategic Planning Consultant Services

Bismarck, ND

North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission

Buyer seeks a consultant to assist in strategic planning and development of economic and workforce initiatives for the Five Sovereign Nations in North Dakota. The consultant will work closely with each Tribal Nation to assess workforce needs and identify economic assets. This project aims to provide critical insights to support sustainable development and growth. The consultant will engage with Tribal leaders, conduct on-site visits, analyze data, and present findings and recommendations.

  • 8/13/2024 - Deadline for Questions and Objections
  • 8/15/2024 - Solicitation Amendment with Responses Issued
  • 8/22/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 8/27/2024 - Presentations if needed
  • 9/3/2024 - Notice of Intent to Award Issued
  • 9/11/2024 - Contract Start
Refer to RFP
  • Engage with Tribal leaders and community stakeholders to gather data and insights
  • Conduct on-site visits to each Tribal Nation to assess workforce and economic conditions
  • Analyze collected data and develop detailed reports and inventories
  • Assess current and future workforce needs for each Tribal Nation
  • Identify and document economic assets of each Tribal Nation
  • Develop comprehensive inventory of economic assets categorized by type and potential
  • Analyze current employment trends and project future demands within Tribal communities
  • Determine specific training programs required to address skill gaps
  • Recommend potential workforce development programs tailored to each Tribal Nation
  • Present findings and recommendations to Tribal leadership and relevant stakeholders

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