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Strategic Plan 2025-2030

Cedar Falls, Iowa

City of Cedar Falls

The buyer seeks a consultant team to develop a comprehensive Strategic Plan for 2025-2030. The plan will identify community goals, provide recommendations, and include measurable benchmarks. The buyer desires a broad community engagement campaign and a visionary, action-oriented plan. The process will incorporate the city's annual goal setting and integrate with fiscal year 2026 planning.

  • 7/31/2024 - RFP Issued
  • 8/22/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/9/2024 - Interviews Scheduled
  • 9/16/2024 - Interviews Held
  • 9/23/2024 - Consultant Selected
  • 10/21/2024 - Contract Approval by City Council
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct stakeholder meetings to understand existing plans and policies
  • Design and implement broad community engagement campaign
  • Identify community goals and key topics
  • Analyze economic development potential and ways to diversify local economy
  • Evaluate existing and future public facilities and services
  • Develop implementation schedule with project milestones
  • Create visionary and graphically engaging Strategic Plan document
  • Provide table of recommendations with short and long-term horizons
  • Identify metrics and key performance indicators for each priority area
  • Attend public meetings to support adoption of the Strategic Plan

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