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Auditing Services for SCERS
Seattle, Washington
City of Seattle
The buyer seeks proposals for auditing services for their annual financial statements and GASB 67/68 Disclosure Report. The contract is for five years with a possible two-year extension. The buyer requires audits in compliance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards. The selected consultant will work with the buyer's management and present findings to the Board of Administration.
- 8/6/2024 - Optional Pre-Submittal Conference
- 8/16/2024 - Deadline for Questions
- 8/21/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/26/2024 - Interviews (if needed)
- 11/15/2024 - Contract Execution
- 1/1/2025 - Contract Effective Date
- Professional auditing firm providing employee benefit plan auditing services for minimum five years
- Experience as supervising auditor with at least two major retirement systems
- Principal auditor must have minimum five years professional auditing experience
- Perform annual audit of SCERS's financial statements
- Audit Schedule of Employer Allocations and Pension Amounts by Employer
- Conduct expanded employer census data testing
- Prepare audit report with auditor's opinion and financial statements
- Attend entrance and exit conferences with SCERS management
- Present audit results to SCERS Board of Administration
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