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Media Monitoring Services

Columbia, South Carolina

South Carolina Technical College System

The buyer is seeking a media monitoring service to provide news and social media monitoring, archiving, and reporting. The service will track online news sources, monitor social media mentions, and provide customizable media contact lists. It will offer a user-friendly interface for managing media results and create customized reports. The service will be used by the System Office and participating colleges' marketing/communications divisions.

  • 7/25/2024 - Questions Due
  • 8/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/16/2024 - Award Posting Date
  • Minimum of five years experience providing services substantially similar to those sought in this solicitation
  • Demonstrated experience with institutions of higher education
  • Track online news sources from across the world, including major South Carolina media outlets
  • Monitor social media mentions across all platforms, providing real-time notifications
  • Build and maintain customizable media contact lists and distribution capabilities
  • Provide user-friendly interface for viewing and managing media results
  • Create customized dashboard/executive summary reports of news coverage

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