This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Records Management System - Fire
Asheville, NC
City of Asheville
The buyer seeks to procure a fire Records Management System (RMS) application for the Asheville Fire Department. The system should be fully compliant with state and federal standards and provide seamless integration throughout each section. The solution must have advanced mobile functionality and be integrated with the CAD solution. The buyer aims to purchase software to support fire department management, operations, data management, and reporting.
- 7/23/2024 - RFP Issued
- 7/31/2024 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 8/2/2024 - Questions Deadline
- 8/7/2024 - Addendum
- 8/14/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Implement a fire department records management system
- Provide preplanning functionality
- Manage and track training activities
- Conduct and document fire inspections
- Handle incident data and reporting
- Maintain personnel records
- Manage assets and inventory
- Perform data analysis and reporting
- Integrate with existing systems like CAD
- Provide mobile device capability
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