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Consulting Services for Transit Technical Assistance for the City of Corona Transit Service
City of Corona
The buyer seeks consulting services for transit technical assistance to implement service improvements for the City of Corona Transit Service. The project involves redesigning routes, procuring new vehicles, implementing zero-emission technology, and upgrading transit infrastructure. The consultant will provide project management, technical expertise, and support in various aspects of transit operations and technology implementation. The project aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the city's transit service.
- 7/15/2024 - Written Questions from Consultant Due
- 7/23/2024 - Responses from City Due
- 8/12/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 8/29/2024 - Proposal Evaluation Completed
- 10/2/2024 - Council Approval
- Develop detailed transit service schedules for proposed fixed routes
- Conduct current bus stop inventory and determine new stop locations
- Define improvements needed at each new bus stop location
- Develop microtransit criteria and policy, and procure microtransit software
- Redesign public information materials for improved customer understanding
- Develop marketing strategy for informing community of transit changes
- Procure replacement cutaway buses, fixed route buses, and ADA accessible vans
- Plan and implement zero emission bus infrastructure
- Procure and implement Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
- Provide project management and oversight for all implementation activities
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