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Cyber Security Assessment

Chicago, IL

Chicago Housing Authority

The buyer is seeking a qualified firm to provide a comprehensive cyber security assessment. The assessment will test the buyer's cybersecurity posture, identify weaknesses, and propose mitigations. It will cover internet-facing servers, internal servers and workstations, wireless network, and user awareness. The vendor will conduct vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and a social engineering exercise. A detailed report with recommendations is required.

  • 8/1/2024 - SP Released Date
  • 8/9/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 8/15/2024 - Need By Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct internet security testing including vulnerability scanning and penetration testing
  • Perform internal security testing of network, servers, and workstations
  • Test wireless network security
  • Administer social engineering phishing exercise
  • Provide detailed security assessment report with recommendations

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