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Tech-Infused Teaching and Learning

College Station, TX

Texas A&M University

Buyer seeks a vendor to provide an extended professional development opportunity for adult educators in Texas on integrating technology into the classroom. The initiative will leverage expertise in research and professional development. The project includes designing training sessions, creating resources, and conducting research on adult learning methodologies. The buyer aims to enhance technology and AI integration in adult education settings.

  • 7/25/2024 - Deadline for Questions
  • 8/1/2024 - Posting Addendum and Response to Inquiries
  • 8/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Design and deliver three 90-minute live online training sessions on integrating technology and AI in adult education
  • Create a customizable workbook for organizing adult learning workshops
  • Develop a collaborative digital resource library for adult education tools and techniques
  • Produce a co-branded guide on integrating AI technologies in adult education settings
  • Conduct an andragogy-focused research study on effective adult learning methodologies

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