This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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On-Call Regional Mobility
South Carolina Department of Transportation
The buyer is soliciting proposals for on-call regional mobility services. The scope includes aiding with plan development, transportation planning, and administration services for the buyer, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Councils of Government. Services will be provided on an as-needed basis in accordance with regulation 23 CFR 450 and Office of Planning Process Directives. Key tasks involve updating plans, conducting studies, and providing technical assistance.
- 7/9/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
- 7/18/2024 - Questions Due
- 8/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 9/13/2024 - Award Posting Date
- Aid in updating Long Range Transportation Plans and Transportation Improvement Programs
- Develop bike and pedestrian plans and studies
- Provide transportation planning services and administration
- Conduct corridor studies and feasibility studies
- Develop congestion management plans
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