This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Paratransit and Microtransit Software

Orange, CA

Orange County Transportation Authority

The buyer seeks to implement a Software-as-a-Service solution for paratransit and microtransit services. The system will integrate eligibility, scheduling, dispatching, and payment functions. It will replace the existing Trapeze software and provide interfaces with other systems. The implementation includes software configuration, testing, training, deployment, and post-implementation support.

  • 7/16/2024 - Pre-Proposal Conference
  • 7/23/2024 - Question Submittal Date
  • 8/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 8/27/2024 - Interview Date
Refer to RFP
  • Implement SaaS solution for paratransit and microtransit services
  • Integrate eligibility, scheduling, dispatching, and payment functions
  • Migrate from existing Trapeze software system
  • Provide interfaces with other OCTA systems and applications
  • Perform system testing and user acceptance testing
  • Deliver user training and documentation
  • Deploy software to production environment
  • Provide post-implementation support

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