This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Advertising and Media Related Services

Orange, Texas

Lamar State College Orange

The buyer seeks proposals for advertising and media related services. The selected firm will provide creative services, brand management, and media placement. The contractor will work closely with the buyer's marketing communications staff to create campaigns throughout the year. Services include producing creative campaigns, managing brand standards, placing media in local markets, and demonstrating knowledge of higher education audiences.

  • 7/26/2024 - Deadline to submit written questions
  • 7/31/2024 - Answers to submitted questions published
  • 8/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 9/1/2024 - Anticipated Contract start date
Refer to RFP
  • Produce creative and effective campaigns using industry standard tools
  • Provide brand management and guidance on brand standards
  • Place media in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana markets
  • Create marketing and advertising campaigns throughout the year
  • Assist with campaign development for various media platforms
  • Meet regularly with LSCO marketing staff to ensure effective strategies
  • Demonstrate knowledge of higher education and target audiences
  • Provide comprehensive approach to marketing with measurable analytics
  • Place media buys based on industry standard ratings surveys
  • Develop creative concepts and strategic placement

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