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Micro Transit and Operational Analysis
Brownsville, Texas
City of Brownsville
Buyer seeks to conduct its first micro-transit plan. A consultant will identify areas with high potential for successful micro transit service in Brownsville. The study aims to create a more impactful and efficient service systemwide, focusing on cost savings and increased ridership. Buyer wants to determine operational performance and efficiency of fixed route and paratransit services and identify areas to implement micro transit services.
- 7/24/2024 - Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 7/29/2024 - Questions Deadline
- 8/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Conduct market analysis of existing and potential transit demand
- Assess existing transit network and performance measures
- Develop stakeholder and public engagement plan
- Analyze different micro transit service scenarios and alternatives
- Perform cost-benefit analysis and prioritization of micro transit alternatives
- Develop capital and operating implementation plan
- Prepare draft and final reports with recommendations
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