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Professional Development for ADCRR Education

Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry

Buyer seeks professional development services for their Education department. The services include providing virtual and in-person courses for special education teachers and coordinators. Topics cover Social Emotional Learning, teaching Reading and Math to students with IEPs, supporting students with behavioral challenges, and Data Based Individualization. The buyer also requires virtual coaching and web-based support for participants.

  • 8/5/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Provide virtual or in-person courses for special education teachers and coordinators
  • Teach modeling and instruction of Social Emotional Learning
  • Instruct on effective strategies for teaching Reading and Math to students with IEPs
  • Provide instruction on supporting students with intensive social, emotional, and behavioral challenges
  • Teach Data Based Individualization (DBI) for Tier III learners
  • Offer virtual coaching sessions on an as-needed basis
  • Supply access to web-based support for participants
  • Instruct general education teachers on special education law and their role

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