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Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Expansion & Implementation Funds
Pierce County
Buyer seeks proposals from experienced Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics in Pierce County to improve access to community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment and support. Services include 24/7 crisis services, comprehensive outpatient care, integrated person-centered services, care for veterans, peer and family support, case management, primary care screening, and psychiatric rehabilitation. Funding comes from local Behavioral Health Therapeutic Court tax.
- 7/19/2024 - Proposal Release Date
- 7/29/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
- 8/2/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Non-profit organization with experience providing mental health services in Pierce County
- Certified by SAMHSA as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
- Hold applicable certifications/licenses with Washington State DOH and SAMHSA
- No history of patient abuse/neglect or license revocation in past 5 years
- Provide 24/7 crisis services
- Provide comprehensive outpatient mental health and substance use services
- Provide integrated person and family-centered services
- Provide community-based mental health care for veterans
- Provide peer support, family support, and counselor services
- Provide targeted case management services
- Provide outpatient primary care screening and monitoring
- Provide psychiatric rehabilitation services
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