This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Regional Market Revitalization

Syracuse, New York

Onondaga County Division of Purchase

Buyer seeks a qualified firm to develop a Revitalization Plan for the CNY Regional Market. The plan will assess current conditions, devise future operational strategies, explore new opportunities, and create a vision for the Market's sustainability. Buyer requires a comprehensive strategy addressing fiscal, operational, and physical aspects of the Market to ensure its long-term viability and community benefit.

  • 7/16/2024 - Question Submission Deadline
  • 7/19/2024 - Addendum to RFP Released
  • 8/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a Revitalization Plan for the CNY Regional Market
  • Assess current operational and fiscal conditions of the Market
  • Devise a coordinated strategy for future operations
  • Explore new revenue streams and programmatic opportunities
  • Prepare a feasibility analysis for primary components identified
  • Assess physical campus usage, condition, and critical needs
  • Develop a campus land use and site plan
  • Identify a prioritized schedule of capital projects

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