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Substance Use Disorder Prevention Activities
$82,050 per fiscal year
Sutter Creek, CA
County of Amador
Buyer seeks a qualified Consultant to provide Substance Use Disorder Prevention Activities. The work aims to increase resiliency, health, and well-being of Amador County youth and community. Services include primary prevention programs and strategies to reduce adverse consequences from problematic Alcohol and Other Drug availability. The contract is for two fiscal years.
- 8/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Prepare and conduct Outreach and Engagement Services for Substance Use Disorder Prevention Activities
- Increase resiliency, health and well-being of Amador County youth and community
- Provide primary prevention programs directed at individuals not requiring substance abuse treatment
- Implement strategies to reduce adverse consequences from problematic Alcohol and Other Drug availability
- Assist in following a current, approved County Strategic Prevention Plan
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