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Economic Development Consulting Services

Laredo, Texas

City of Laredo

The buyer seeks professional consulting services for economic development programs and tools. The selected firm will provide analysis, feasibility studies, and implementation services for various economic incentive tools like Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones. Services include data collection, policy development, economic impact analysis, and assistance with tax incentive programs. The consultant will also support the creation of required boards and plans, and may need to attend City Council meetings.

  • 7/11/2024 - Issue Date
  • 7/19/2024 - Questions Deadline
  • 8/1/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • At least three to five years of experience providing similar economic development consulting services
  • Assist in data collection and baseline information on local economy and taxable values
  • Provide comprehensive economic development program guidelines and implementation services
  • Support development of economic development policies and boards
  • Analyze economic impacts and review development pro-formas
  • Create plans and annual reporting for tax incentive programs
  • Host informational workshops on proposed economic development programs
  • Attend and present at City Council meetings
  • Provide on-call and in-person project-based services
  • Assist with Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones development and implementation
  • Represent the City in creating tax incentive programs

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