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Expanded Learning Programs

Sacramento, CA

Sacramento City Unified School District

Buyer is seeking statements of qualifications from firms to provide Expanded Learning Programs at school sites. The goal is to support local efforts to improve assistance to students and broaden education support in a safe environment. Programs will provide before and after school education and enrichment. Buyer intends to select one or more qualified firms based on criteria outlined in the RFQ.

  • 7/18/2024 - Deadline for questions
  • 7/22/2024 - Responses to questions posted
  • 7/26/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • Must be community-based organizations or other public/private entities
  • Must have experience serving students from economically disadvantaged schools
  • Operate before or after school programs during regular school year
  • Provide direct service to SCUSD students at awarded sites
  • Support student academic performance, targeting low-performing/at-risk students
  • Demonstrate community partnership in delivering programs and services
  • Improve access to health and wellness knowledge
  • Increase student participation in visual and performing arts
  • Develop awareness and appreciation of different cultures
  • Increase opportunities for service learning and community service
  • Increase college and career awareness and youth entrepreneurial services
  • Collaborate with SCUSD to develop and implement a sustainability plan

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