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Strategic Communications - Blue Campaign
Department of Homeland Security
The buyer seeks support for the Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) to generate and implement strategic plans, educational product designs, and partnership approaches. The contractor will develop and implement educational awareness training and tools. The buyer requires effective measurement of efficacy for CCHT's outreach and awareness tactics. The contract focuses on conducting standardized human trafficking training, operating public awareness campaigns, and coordinating external and internal communications.
- 7/11/2024 - Original Published Date
- 7/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 8/7/2024 - Inactive Date
- Generate and implement strategic plans for CCHT
- Develop educational and instructional product designs
- Implement partnership approaches for CCHT
- Create and execute product design strategies
- Develop and manage social media content and events
- Produce awareness videos and infographics
- Conduct research and analysis on outreach activities
- Provide website development and maintenance support
- Coordinate external and internal communications
- Measure efficacy of awareness and outreach tactics
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