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Environmental Assessment for Hughes Training and Development Transitional Housing
City of Victorville
The buyer is seeking a qualified consultant to provide an Environmental Assessment for Hughes Training and Development Transitional Housing. The assessment must be conducted in accordance with HUD regulations and include various aspects such as land development, climate and energy, socioeconomic factors, community facilities, and natural features. The consultant will be required to prepare a comprehensive report with findings, conclusions, and recommended mitigation measures.
- 7/17/2024 - Deadline for Written Questions
- 7/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Conduct National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Assessment Phase 1
- Assess land development aspects including zoning, urban impact, and soil suitability
- Evaluate climate change impacts and energy efficiency
- Analyze community facilities and services including education, healthcare, and transportation
- Assess natural features including water resources, vegetation, and wildlife
- Prepare summary of findings, conclusions, and mitigation measures
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