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Small Business Liaison Services
$40,000 per one-year period (July 1st - June 30th)
Sandy, Utah
Sandy City Corporation
The buyer seeks a consultant to provide small business liaison services. The consultant will focus on relationship development, outreach, and assisting businesses with technical, networking, and regulatory needs. The goal is to build a sustainable, vibrant business climate in Sandy City. The buyer aims to expand their Business Connect brand and engage in a collaborative relationship to build on current success.
- 7/8/2024 - Issue Date
- 7/18/2024 - Questions Deadline
- 7/22/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Develop and implement business retention and expansion program activities
- Highlight businesses for Sandy Business Connect website and social media
- Utilize CRM software for accurate reporting of BRE efforts
- Manage and coordinate various business events and trainings
- Provide technical assistance on small business development
- Assist companies in accessing city services and business opportunities
- Maintain data from individual business visits
- Prepare reports on findings from visitation program
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