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Technical Support to Develop a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan
Central Pines Regional Council
Buyer seeks technical support to develop a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) for the Raleigh-Cary and Durham-Chapel Hill planning area. The project involves GHG emissions projections, quantification of reduction measures, benefits analysis, and evaluation of impacts on disadvantaged communities. Buyer requires expertise in greenhouse gas quantification, scenario development, and collaboration with various stakeholders. The work will support the EPA-funded Climate Pollution Reduction Grant deliverable.
- 7/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 7/1/2025 - Contract End Date
- Develop GHG emissions projections for near-term and long-term scenarios
- Determine quantifiable GHG emissions reductions for various measures
- Analyze benefits including co-pollutant reductions associated with GHG reduction measures
- Evaluate impacts of GHG reduction measures on low-income and disadvantaged communities
- Collaborate with universities, MPOs, COGs, and state government employees on technical aspects
- Use ICLEI ClearPath tool for greenhouse gas emissions calculations and scenario planning
- Provide technical expertise in greenhouse gas emission reduction estimates and future-casting
- Support development of CCAP for Raleigh-Cary and Durham-Chapel Hill planning area
- Work collaboratively with CPRC project managers and university technical staff
- Document assumptions in accordance with EPA guidance
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