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General Transit Feed Specification-Realtime (GTFS-Realtime) Services
Department of General Services Procurement Division
The buyer is seeking proposals to establish Master Service Agreements for General Transit Feed Specification-Realtime (GTFS-Realtime) Services. The scope includes GTFS-Realtime services, on-vehicle devices, and customer support for public transit providers. Multiple awards are anticipated. The agreements will be for a 3-year term with two 2-year extension options. Use of the agreements is limited to transit providers only.
- 7/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide GTFS-Realtime services for public transit providers
- Supply and support on-vehicle devices
- Offer customer support for GTFS-Realtime services
- Meet key performance indicators and service levels
- Comply with Federal Transit Administration requirements
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