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Professional Services for Economic Development Consulting to Update City Economic Development Plan

San Carlos, CA

City of San Carlos

The buyer seeks professional services to update their Economic Development Plan. The consultant will work with the Economic Development Advisory Commission to refine economic development strategy. The project involves facilitating meetings, gathering feedback, developing action item priorities, and preparing draft and final versions of the plan. The consultant will present the plan to various city bodies for review and approval.

  • 6/17/2024 - RFP Issued
  • 7/12/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Define approach for working with Economic Development Advisory Commission
  • Facilitate meetings with EDAC to gather feedback and develop action item priorities
  • Prepare draft Economic Development Plan based on staff and EDAC input
  • Present draft plan to EDAC, City Council's Economic Development Subcommittee, and full City Council
  • Prepare final Economic Development Plan incorporating policy maker direction

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