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911 Equipment & Emergency Notification Software and Services
Houston, Texas
Houston-Galveston Area Council
The buyer is seeking qualified manufacturers, distributors, installers and service providers of 911 Equipment & Emergency Notification Software and Services. The buyer aims to make these products and services available to customers of their Cooperative Purchasing Program under blanket type contracts. The scope includes equipment, software, furniture, and other related services for 911 and Public Safety Answering Points needs.
- 8/1/2023 - Contract Start Date
- 6/30/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 6/30/2025 - Contract End Date
Refer to RFP
- Provide fixed/portable PSAP workstation/terminal equipment
- Supply emergency notification software and equipment
- Offer 911 records management and Computer-Assisted Dispatch/Mapping systems
- Install and maintain related hardware and software systems
- Provide ongoing support and maintenance services
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