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HeavyBid Software Development Support
Hanford Mission Integration Solutions
The buyer requires HeavyBid Software development support and training for their Estimating and Proposal organization. The subcontractor will develop HeavyBid Master Templates and Codebooks, provide implementation support, and deliver training on efficient estimate development. The work includes codebook systems analysis, writing and updating various codebooks, and creating master estimate templates. The subcontractor will also provide in-depth training on using the HCSS HeavyBid software.
- 6/26/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of 10 years of experience developing and writing HCSS HeavyBid Codebooks
- Develop and write HCSS HeavyBid Master Estimates and Codebooks
- Provide instruction on building, updating and maintaining templates and codebooks
- Develop and implement HeavyBid Codebook systems
- Provide in-depth training on building estimates using HCSS HeavyBid software
- Develop, update and maintain custom reports
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