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BeltLine Marketplace Operator & Small Business Incubation Services
$500,000 over the term of the agreement
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Buyer is seeking a qualified consultant to serve as the Master Operator and Small Business Incubation Services Provider for its BeltLine MarketPlace program. The consultant will oversee day-to-day operations, provide business support services, and manage tenant relationships. Buyer aims to scale the program around the 22-mile BeltLine loop and grow its impact on local small businesses and entrepreneurs.
- 5/8/2024 - Virtual Pre-Proposal Meeting
- 5/15/2024 - Questions Due
- 6/5/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Must have been in business a minimum of five years
- Must demonstrate experience in similar projects
- Must have performed work on projects of this size, type and complexity
- Serve as Master Operator and License Holder of BeltLine MarketPlace program
- Create and enforce tenant agreements and payment processes
- Oversee property management and maintenance
- Run business incubation program and provide ongoing alumni support
- Collect data and track KPIs for program evaluation
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