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Strategic Planning Consultant - Hanover County Department of Economic Development

Hanover, Virginia

Hanover County

The buyer is seeking a consultant to develop a five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan. The plan should establish a vision and strategy for job creation, business development, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The consultant will engage stakeholders, conduct surveys, analyze economic zones, and provide strategies for business attraction and retention. The final plan is to be completed by the end of 2024.

  • 5/9/2024 - Inquiry Deadline
  • 5/23/2024 - Proposal Due Date
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  • Develop five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan
  • Engage with key stakeholder groups via work sessions and workshops
  • Develop and conduct surveys for stakeholders and residents
  • Hold community meetings to gather feedback
  • Analyze Economic Development Zones from Comprehensive Plan
  • Identify industry sectors for Economic Development Zones
  • Develop strategies to attract specific industry clusters
  • Analyze current Business Retention and Expansion initiatives
  • Assess support for Agricultural and Tourism initiatives
  • Review current marketing and outreach initiatives

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