This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Oracle Technology Staff Augmentation
Office of the State Comptroller
The buyer is seeking competitive proposals from qualified vendors to provide IT consultants for staff augmentation services for Oracle technologies. The buyer intends to award three contracts for a Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Awardee. Services will be provided on an as-needed basis for various Oracle-related skill sets. The term of each agreement will be for five years, with individual consultant engagements potentially extending up to three years beyond the agreement expiration.
- 4/18/2024 - Deadline for Submission of Written Questions
- 5/2/2024 - Responses to Written Questions Posted
- 5/16/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- 7/17/2024 - Anticipated Start of Interviews
- 7/31/2024 - Anticipated Notification of Award
- 12/30/2024 - Anticipated Approval of Contract
- 12/31/2024 - Anticipated Commencement of Work
- Has a physical office in the United States
- Has been in continuous operation in the United States for the last four years
- Has placed a minimum of 50 consultants during the last five years using Oracle technologies
- Provide IT consultants for staff augmentation services for Oracle technologies
- Supply consultants for all titles listed in Exhibit 1
- Respond to Consultant Request Documents in a timely manner
- Vet and verify qualifications of consultant candidates
- Track consultant performance and manage contract-related tasks
- Ensure consultants comply with State IT and security policies
- Return State-issued equipment upon termination of engagements
- Conduct background investigations on consultant staff
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