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Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The buyer is soliciting basic and applied research proposals to support its Science Mission Directorate. Research areas include Earth science, heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics, and biological/physical sciences. Proposals may involve flight-based research, suborbital projects, and Earth-based activities. The buyer aims to expand human knowledge of Earth, space phenomena, the Solar System, and the Universe through this research opportunity.

  • 2/14/2024 - Release date
  • 5/14/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct basic and applied research in space and Earth sciences
  • Develop concepts and technologies for future space missions
  • Analyze SMD science data including from international/interagency partners
  • Perform Earth surface observations and field campaigns
  • Develop integrated Earth system models
  • Create systems for applying Earth science research to societal needs
  • Conduct hypothesis-driven experiments in biological and physical sciences
  • Explore the Solar System to study its origins and evolution
  • Search for extrasolar planets and study the origin of the Universe
  • Understand how biological and physical systems respond to spaceflight environments

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