This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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County of Santa Clara RFP
Santa Clara County, CA
County of Santa Clara
The buyer is seeking proposals from vendors for an unspecified project. Proposers must complete various declara ons and forms, including non-collusion, local business status, compliance with equal opportunity and wage laws, and COVID-19 requirements. The buyer emphasizes compliance with policies related to nondiscrimina on, wage the preven on, and the Levine Act.
- 5/8/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Complete and submit Declara on on Submi al Form
- Provide company informa on including legal name and tax ID
- Sign non-collusion declara on
- Declare local business status if applicable
- Comply with equal opportunity and nondiscrimina on policies
- Adhere to wage the preven on policies
- Disclose any wage and hour law viola ons
- Comply with County COVID-19 requirements
- Submit Levine Act disclosures if required
- Ensure authorized representa ve signs all declara ons
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