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Selection of Implementation Partner for Outbound Calling Services
Telecommunications Consultants India Limited
Buyer seeks an implementation partner to set up and operate an outbound call center for conducting surveys on government schemes. The project involves establishing a 4,000-seat call center facility, providing trained agents and support staff, implementing cloud-based CRM and dialer systems, and conducting surveys as per the database provided by the client. The partner will also be responsible for analyzing responses and creating reports. This initiative aims to gather feedback from beneficiaries of various flagship missions and schemes to improve service delivery.
- 1/29/2024 - Start Date of Online Bid Submission
- 1/31/2024 - Online Opening of Technical Bid
- 1/31/2024 - Online Opening of Financial Bid
- 1/31/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Indian Registered Company under Companies Act 1956 or 2013
- Average Annual Financial Turnover of 30% of estimated cost in last 3 years
- Positive net worth as on 31st March of last Financial Year
- Profit Before Tax in two out of last three financial years
- Experience in similar works in last 7 years
- Set up on-site call center for outbound calling surveys
- Provide 4,000 call center agents and supporting staff
- Implement cloud-based CRM software with soft dialer
- Conduct surveys on government schemes
- Analyze responses and create reports
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