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Police & Fire Department Facility Cost Comparison & Construction

Valdese, NC

Town of Valdese

The buyer seeks design-build services for a two-phase project involving police and fire department facilities. Phase I involves comparing three facility options and providing budgetary costs. Phase II includes design and construction services based on the chosen option from Phase I. The project requires establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price, managing construction activities, and coordinating with other vendors for IT systems.

  • 1/27/2024 - Proposal Due Date
  • 1/31/2024 - Hard Copy SOQ Due
  • 2/3/2024 - Review Statements of Qualification
  • 2/24/2024 - Interview Final Selections
  • 3/3/2024 - Selected Firm Notified
  • 4/7/2025 - Phase I Contract Adoption
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct schematic design level comparison for three facility options
  • Provide budgetary cost estimates for each option
  • Develop design through various stages including construction documents
  • Establish Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
  • Obtain necessary permits and coordinate with other agencies
  • Manage construction-related activities and project close-out
  • Coordinate with Town-hired vendors for IT systems
  • Provide cost opinions at various project stages
  • Ensure quality assurance and control of design
  • Complete geotechnical engineering and surveying

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