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Dynamic Signal Priority System

Ithaca, New York

City of Ithaca

The buyer seeks to implement a Dynamic Signal Priority System to upgrade traffic signals with the latest technology. The system will provide signal priority for transit buses, school buses, and fire trucks. The buyer aims to improve safety, equity, and access for travelers and emergency responders while reducing congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. The project involves integrating hardware and software to create a replicable solution for other communities.

  • 12/20/2023 - Pre-proposal Conference
  • 12/22/2023 - Questions Due
  • 12/29/2023 - Post Response to Questions
  • 1/19/2024 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop and implement a Dynamic Signal Priority System
  • Upgrade traffic signals with latest technology
  • Provide signal priority for transit buses, school buses, and fire trucks
  • Integrate hardware and software for replicable community solution
  • Improve safety, equity, and access for travelers and emergency responders
  • Reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Create partnerships utilizing public agency partners' technologies
  • Provide ongoing maintenance and support for the system
  • Conduct thorough system testing and optimization
  • Deliver training for end-users and technical team

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