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Transportation Demand Management Services
San Rafael, CA
Marin County Department of Public Works
The buyer seeks a consultant to develop and implement a comprehensive Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. The program aims to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and promote sustainable transportation options. The consultant will conduct outreach, coordinate with stakeholders, analyze data, and manage incentive programs. The buyer requires expertise in transportation planning and successful TDM program implementation.
- 12/4/2023 - Questions Due
- 12/11/2023 - Answers Posted
- 1/4/2024 - Proposal Due Date
- Minimum of five years of experience providing TDM services
- Demonstrated success in developing and implementing TDM programs
- Knowledge of transportation planning principles and best practices
- Experience working with public agencies and diverse stakeholders
- Develop and implement a comprehensive TDM program
- Conduct outreach and education to promote alternative transportation options
- Coordinate with local agencies and stakeholders
- Analyze transportation data and prepare reports
- Manage incentive programs to encourage sustainable transportation choices
- Organize events and campaigns to raise awareness about TDM
- Provide technical assistance to employers and property managers
- Monitor and evaluate program effectiveness
- Seek grant funding opportunities for TDM initiatives
- Develop marketing materials to promote TDM programs
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