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Forest Legacy Program Jones Hill Connection Appraisal
Clinton, MA
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Buyer seeks an appraiser to determine the fair market value of a 105-acre property in Ashby, MA for conservation purposes. The appraisal must comply with federal standards and include before and after valuations related to a proposed conservation easement. Buyer requires a detailed appraisal report with specific elements and coordination with a review appraiser. The project is part of the federally funded Jones Hill Connection Forest Legacy Project.
- 12/5/2023 - Questions Due
- 12/6/2023 - Answers to Questions
- 12/10/2023 - Proposal Due Date
- 12/12/2023 - Estimated Award Date
- Current certified general real estate appraiser license in Massachusetts
- Evidence of completion of 2016 version of Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions
- Determine fair market value of fee interest in subject property
- Conduct property inspection and meet with owner
- Perform before and after appraisal analysis
- Comply with federal appraisal standards (UASFLA and USPAP)
- Prepare detailed appraisal report with required elements
- Coordinate with review appraiser on task assignment
- Research and analyze comparable sales data
- Determine highest and best use of property
- Analyze impacts of proposed conservation easement
- Submit draft report for review and make revisions as needed
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